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This is all about my transition from an American lifestyle and culture to my newest adventure, life in Spain, in the city of Palma on the island of Mallorca in the middle of the Mediterranean sea!! I moved from the USA to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America and lived there for 7 years before moving here to Spain in early 2018. I'll be recapping some of my day-to-day experiences (and mishaps) to highlight what it's like to live here....across the well as Home Exchange trips to exciting places all over Europe!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Gracie Goes to the Beach on a Bus

....but not on her own!!!   Gracie hasn't written a blog entry for me in a lonnnng time and she's been nagging me to let her.

So, here've been warned.

OHHHHH DAAAD!!!   I'm not that baaaad!!!

Hi everyone!!!!  My name is Gracie (Gray-C).  I'm an American, but I lived in Ecuador, South America for 7 years and now I'm living in Palma ....Mallorca....of the Balearic Islands....of Spane...Europe.... World....Earth.  I guess I'm a Gringa.

This is me!  I am 9 years old.  But, here in Spane when they ask how old you are, you have to respond like 'I have 9 years'.  That is stupid.

This is my patio where I go poop and pee.  It's much bigger than this photo!  During the summer, Dad just leaves the patio door open but when it got cold in the winter, Dad built me a doggie door so I can go out and come in whenever I feel the need.

My Dad (his name is Dano) isn't the greatest about taking me for walks.  BUT, since we moved to Espana (Spane) he takes me along when he goes to the gro...guroh....grosuree store.  He also did some research because he heard dogs can ride on the busses and some beaches allow dogs.  Woohoo!!  He discovered there are 7 bus routes that allow me to ride!  They require I wear a nozzle on my nose and I am on a leash and he must pay 30 cents for me.  He also red there are 9 legal doggie parks in Palma!

One day, he decided to surprise me by taking me for a ride on a bus and go to a legal doggie beach!!

This is how I react when my Dad mentions anything about 'going for....' or if he says 'walk' or if he's even THINKING about it!!!

Like I said, I have to wear a nozzle on my nose so I don't bite anyone on the bus even though I woodint.  I'm a good girl.  When he put that %$!@*#&^ thing on me I did not like it at all.  I tried to wrestle it off of me while he was trying to walk me to the bus stop.  I finally gave up when we were on the bus and I just sat there and stared at him like this.  I also farted a few times.

This is a stretch of beach and land that is directly under the flight path to the airport.  The runaway is not very far away.  So, they don't allow any development under the flight path because the aeroplanes fly very close to the ground.  So, there is a lot of room to run around.  There are trails in the brush and pine trees.  And, there is a people and bike path that follows along the shore and there are some strange ruins, too.

That is Palma in the picture below, where I live, in the background.  I don't live in the background, I live in Palma. You have to slide the photo back and forth to see it all.  And, behind Palma is the Dramatana.....Trauma tana....dammit...('s TRAMUNTANA and quit your cussing!  Dad) mountains.  They are a You Ness Ko Whirled Heritihg Site (whatever that is).

Now turn around and you can see what it looks like the other direction.

I'm so pretty!!

My Dad had to take this photo because I don't know how to do selfies.

Dang!  I was blinking!

I am just sitting down!

Resting on a beach wall after our walk and waiting for the bus.

I shoulda been a model.

UH comes that damn nozzle again!!!

I farted on the way home, too

This is me when I was a baby and I had my first bath!

GRACIE!!  You're supposed to be writing about living in Mallorca, not your entire life story!!!  (Dad)

Til next time...

If there is one.


  1. happy holidays to you and ms. Graciella. wishing you are healthy and happy 2019. What a stitch to read! love the photos and her not liking the muzzle, who would?

  2. Loved your story Gracie, looks like your really loving it there. Its really pretty, and I would like to visit you sometime.
    I hope you, and daddy have a great New Years, and don't be scared of all the noise.
    Hugs to you both

  3. Gracie, you are a MUCH better writer than your dad...


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