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This is all about my transition from an American lifestyle and culture to my newest adventure, life in Spain, in the city of Palma on the island of Mallorca in the middle of the Mediterranean sea!! I moved from the USA to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America and lived there for 7 years before moving here to Spain in early 2018. I'll be recapping some of my day-to-day experiences (and mishaps) to highlight what it's like to live here....across the well as Home Exchange trips to exciting places all over Europe!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Sunday in the Park

The weather is teasing us here on Mallorca.  Temps are poking over the 70 mark and those who've been waiting patiently are starting to head to the beach.

When the sun is out (which is almost all the time) and it's warm, I'm lured to my moto and asking myself 'where should I go'?  

Today (Sunday) I got a late start moto-wise because Gracie and I went to an outdoor cafe to hang out, have a bite, and people-watch on Plaza Espana.

I decided to go to one of my favorite look-outs and take in the view of the ocean and rocky cliffs.  I remembered nearby was a walkway built into the side of a seawall that was calling me 'go do it...GO DO IT!!'   Why?  What's so special about it?   Well, for one thing, it's only 3 feet wide and on one side is a towering sea wall and on the other side is a 20 - 25ft drop to jagged rocks and crashing waves.   Oh, almost forgot....there are NO HANDRAILS!!!

You'd THINK the walkway would be closed off due to the obvious elements of danger.  Nope, in fact there's a gate at the top where you enter and another one at the other barriers to sneak around.  But, I forgot I'm in Europe, not the United States.   Here, you make your own decisions, take your own risks, and reap the experience if you don't do anything stupid.

I stayed close to the wall and watched every step as I tend to trip easily.   There were places I could step off the walkway and onto rock outcrops for gazing and photo-snapping.  

There's ALSO a place where 2/3 of the sidewalk had washed (or crumbled) away leaving only a 1ft wide by 15 ft long segment of sidewalk to traverse.  I decided it would be to easy to bump the wall and lose my balance, so I went off the sidewalk and navigated some rocks until I got to the other side.

It was spooky to say the least.  At the end of the walk, steps take you up to the main level of the marina where a large cruise ship was moored.

Afterwards, I rode over to the other side of town and parked at the beach.  Plenty of people were soaking up the sun and many, many more were walking, riding bikes, electric scooters, rollerblading, and skateboarding down the wide beach-side promenade that stretches for 12 miles.

After people watching for a good long time, I headed home.  But, when I past a seaside park, I noticed it was the time of season where one part of the garden is in full bloom and their manicured shapes catch your attention.  I missed taking photos last year.  This time I wasn't going to miss it, so I found a spot to park my moto and saundered through the beer garden that looks across a lagoon to the Cathedral on the other side.

Got my photos!

So, that was my 'Sunday in the Park' and here's the photos to back up my story!

The start of the walk....down the stairs.  WATCH YOUR STEP!!

Some spots it was straight down.  The no-fudge-area.

Looking back the other direction.

Be sure to scroll left/right!

The washed-out/crumbled area.  The photo is a bit mis-leading.  If you look closely, you can see the line that is the edge of the original sidewalk...then it drops down to a slab of rock which is actually about 5ft down.  I navigated the broken area.

Remember Hostess Sno Balls?  (if not, Google it).  That's what these remind me of.  Mom often put one in Dad's lunchbox.

I always thought these were Azaleas because they're a popular plant for shaping and being covered in color when they bloom.  BUT...these are Ice Plants!!

That's all for now!   Hasta-la-bye-bye!!



  1. Ice plants, interesting. It’s so beautiful there, I would be sitting out there everyday in the sun.
    I can’t wait to visit you, and Gracie.
    I really enjoy your blogs cause I get to see, and learn all kinds of things.
    Thank you so much for continuing your writing.

  2. Thanks for posting your adventures and pictures. Very happy you are enjoying your time in Spain. My favorite place to be.


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