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This is all about my transition from an American lifestyle and culture to my newest adventure, life in Spain, in the city of Palma on the island of Mallorca in the middle of the Mediterranean sea!! I moved from the USA to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America and lived there for 7 years before moving here to Spain in early 2018. I'll be recapping some of my day-to-day experiences (and mishaps) to highlight what it's like to live here....across the well as Home Exchange trips to exciting places all over Europe!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Back to Mallorca....Cala Pi....and Cala Deia

Hello Everyone!  

It's been 6 months since I've written about where I LIVE!!!  During that time, I wrote about my HomeExchange trips to Ibiza and Copenhagen.  I figured it's high time to get to back to matters Mallorca....after all, the blog is CALLED 'Magical Mallorca!!'

First stop...Cala Pi (Cah-lah Pee):

The word 'Cala' means 'Cove' in Spanish and boy do we have a LOT of them on this island 60 miles long and 20 miles wide.  

When I go to the beach, I generally prefer to go to coves versus the typical long strips of open sand and surf.  The water in coves tend to be calmer with little wave action and the shallow depth helps keep the water warmer as well.  Plus, boats of all sizes and types anchor there giving off a ritzy ambiance.  Most coves are flanked by higher terrain and rock outcrops making it feel like a private, hidden gem.  Some of the more popular calas have one or two open air shanty-like restaurants which adds a cherry atop the whole experience.

Cala Pi is about 40 minutes from Palma.  I've been there before, but only saw it from the cliffs that surround it.  I had no clue there was a beach, nor how to get down to the bottom.   Measured from the opening at the sea, the cutout of the cove stretches about 1,600 feet back into the terrain and not more than 150 feet in width.

The tower in the first photo is one of many dotting the coastline of Mallorca.  They were used as lookouts, to monitor activity at sea.  If, for example, a pirate ship was spotted, person(s) manning the tower would start a fire to send a warning to other towers so they could prepare to protect their villages, etc.

Looking from one side of Cala Pi to the other.

The mouth of the cove (at the right).

Facing the sea, looking off to the left.

From the mouth of the cove (to the right of the couple), it stretches more than 1,600 feet back before you reach the beach.

Recently, I spotted a photo on Instagram someone took while they were ON the beach.  That's when I knew there WAS a beach somewhere at the end of the cove.  So, I did some Googling and found instructions for locating the only path that leads down to it.  There were a lot of comments posted saying the path was steep and a lot of steps to climb, etc.   I wasn't looking forward to that part.

As you can see in the next two photos, the 'path' was professionally constructed out of flagstone and handrails.  The steps (approximately 140 of them) were shallow and there were short, flat stretches to give you a break from constant climbing.

...and vista points along the way to take photos while catching your breath.

I love the old boathouses.  Many I've seen around the island were carved out right out of the stone embankment.

The beach itself is maybe 100 ft wide but it stretches back from the water about 300 feet.

About half way down the path, the steps led off to the right, but off to the left was a dirt trail that said to me 'find out where this goes!'.

It led to several man-made platforms where you could soak up the sun but have a view, too!   It's STRAIGHT DOWN and there were no handrails or any devices to keep you from falling.  You KNOW this would be barricaded and off-limits in the US of A!!!

Be sure to scroll left/right!

Yes, that's my foot.  I wasn't going to get any closer to the edge!

Looking across the way you can see how high and how vertical the rock walls are that line the cove.  See the people?  Again, no barriers to keep away from the edges of the cliff!!!

NEXT DAY...CALA DEIA (Cah-Lah Day-E-Uh):

I've been to the TOWN of Deia which is located high up the slopes of the Tramuntana mountain range, but never to the cove of the same name.   So, I fired up my moto and headed for the hills, through the 3km long tunnel, out the other side, to the town of Soller, then down to follow the coastline to Deia.  

Just before the town of Deia, I spotted a sign pointing to Cala Deia but the road was blocked, restricting traffic to 2-wheeled only due to the very limited amount of parking at the end.  I counted my wheels.  I had two.  

The narrow road was one 180 degree switchback after another.  Yet another reason it's so great to explore on a moto.  At the bottom, there were several small areas for cars to park, but those in cars still had a long walk ahead of them.  Not me, I buzzed right by them and was able to park my bike within 100 feet of the beach!  

A short path (love the rock work) spills you out to the next photo.

At Cala Deia, the cove is very small but it packs a wallop of charm with a few stone structures, a shanty restaurant with killer views, and dinghies of all sorts strewn about.

Looking down the boat ramp and across the cove.  See the boathouses carved out of the rock?

There's no sand on the beach...just rocks.   But, that doesn't stop people from coming here and partaking in a slice of heaven.

There's two restaurants.  One you saw in the previous photos.  This one is next to the cluster of stone structures and sits atop a rock outcrop above the water.

I walked through the restaurant and out the other side to snap the previous photo (looking back inside) and the next two photos which is the view the diners have.

The bamboo is the roof of the restaurant.

I left Cala Deia, climbed all the switchbacks, and back to the main highway.   I was looking for something I had seen from a monastery I visited some time ago.  I spotted a white domed rotunda/gazebo on a property about 500 yards away that clearly had jaw-dropping views.  But, I didn't know how to GET to it.  I suspected it was on the Marroig property (former residence of Archduke Ludwig Salvator), so that's where I headed.

Marroig was just a few miles down the road from the town of Deia.  I pulled off the road and parked next to a small plaza of tables, a snack stand, and a few viewing platforms.  At the time, I didn't know what the Marroig was...I thought it was a fancy hotel because access to the parking for the property was restricted.  

Even though I didn't see the white gazebo, I got WAY MORE!! Looking out from the viewing platforms, this is what I saw.

Sa Fordada
(translation:  Pierced Rock)

The hole is over 55 ft tall.

I soooooo wanted to go down there!   After all, there IS a road and I spotted ONE car parked at the very end.  But, apparently that entire peninsula is owned and controlled by the Marroig.  From what I've read (since) you can get permission to WALK there (about 3 kms).

As for that white rotunda I was looking for?  Found a photo of it online.

This is what I had seen before, which sparked my interest.

Now, the complete picture.

It was right there on the Marroig property, but I didn't see it.  Guess I need to go back and tour the Marroig to complete my experience.

Happy as a clam during high tide, I headed home via Valdemossa, back down the mountainside to the flats where Palma awaited.

Believe it or not, the entire trip to Cala Deia, Sa Fordada, and back home was done in 3 1/2 hours!!!

So much to discover on this island of Mallorca and all inside of an afternoon drive!


Monday, September 2, 2019

Ibiza...Is it "I-bee-zuh" or "I-bee-thuh"? (Part 2 of 2)

One day during my stay, I decided to hop on the moto and cruise along the coast and see what treasures I could find.  It's soooo easy on a moto, versus a car, to explore.  I just kept following streets and roads that hugged the coastline.  Over and over I came upon small developments centered around small bays (or coves) that had just enough beach to accommodate everyone but remain charming.

Like these....

At the next place, you could easily spot a half-dozen island (ettes) just off shore.   Like many coves, there's usually one or two restaurants right on the waters edge.

Check out the amazingly clear water!!

I love the old boat houses/shacks built into the shoreline.

I'm fascinated with strange rock outcrops.

On my excursion, I came to the town of Santa Eularia because I read of it's unique cathedral.   It's was okay.   I thing I'm getting jaded.  I'm not as easily impressed when I have so much impressive stuff around me!!  Plus, Reg told me he's tired of seeing so many cathedrals!!

Here's another beach, a very popular one, where I watched people leaping 'into the Med' from alluring precipices.

Tootling about the island, I came upon what was obviously an exclusive, upscale community.  Near the top of the hill was a house that stood out from all the others due to it's oddity.  I had to go see it.  I moto'd around and around and up and down to find it, always on the wrong street.  But, eventually, I found it though I wasn't able to see much from the street. So, here's a few snaps to give you an idea of its unique design.

This home, just down the street, caught my attention for its gargantuan cacti framing the driveway entrance.

Continuing my exploration, I came upon this unique site.  Not only is the rockery fascinating, but the fact there was (is?) a shooting range beyond the walls intrigued me.

So, I tootled over to the shooting range, drove through the big doorway in the tall fence (which was made of acoustics to deaden the noise of gunshots) and parked on the platform.

My trusty Scooter.

Off to the left, and at the end of the point, I zoomed in on a couple doing a photo-shoot.

Nah, I don't think I'll walk out onto the ledge!!!

Looking back across two bays to the Old Town of Ibiza.

The trip home to Mallorca was on a different ship.  It was a 'fast ferry'.  It chopped almost 1 1/2 hours off from the ferry trip I took going TO Ibiza.

All said and done, I really didn't care too much for Ibiza, especially as compared to its big sister Mallorca, where I reside.  It's a party island of mega clubs, little in the way of culture, darn near flat (except for that one hill), WAY too many cars (and traffic jams), and I didn't get much sense of a 'community'.  Its just those who came for the summer to party, then leave, shutter the windows, and lock up for winter. 



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