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This is all about my transition from an American lifestyle and culture to my newest adventure, life in Spain, in the city of Palma on the island of Mallorca in the middle of the Mediterranean sea!! I moved from the USA to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America and lived there for 7 years before moving here to Spain in early 2018. I'll be recapping some of my day-to-day experiences (and mishaps) to highlight what it's like to live here....across the well as Home Exchange trips to exciting places all over Europe!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Paris - Day 6 of 14 - Seine River Cruise

We now return to our regular programming.  We last saw Dano touring the Opera House in Paris.  Today, it's time for a river cruise....up and down the Seine.

On the way to the docks is the Holy Trinity Cathedral, a Russian Orthodox Spiritual and Cultural Center opened in 2016.

The sign translates to 'River Cruises'

Not sure why this beast is on top of the river cruise building!

About to depart.  Notice the golden statues on the bridge up ahead.

Architecture seen along the way.

There are two islands in the middle of the river in central Paris.  
We're going down one side then back up the other side.

The city of Paris has 37 bridges across the Seine, of which 3 are pedestrian only.

Now coming up the other side, a full view of the back of Notre Dame where the fire occured...the scaffolding area.

Short video cruising by the Notre Dame.

Floating restaurant

Comical cornices under the deck of a bridge.

The river runs alongside of the Louvre Museum.

Short video as we pass the Louvre.

More floating restaurants.

More bridge decor passing over our heads.  
I presume the nekid ladies are blessing us for safe passage?

On a bridge abutment.

Passing by the 'Iron Lady'

Pont de Bir-Hakeim is a two-level bridge built in 1905.  
The upper deck is for the metro train while the lower level is for vehicles, pedestrians, and a bicycle path.

Next up....Days 7, 8, 9...including a day trip to Strasbourg!!


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