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This is all about my transition from an American lifestyle and culture to my newest adventure, life in Spain, in the city of Palma on the island of Mallorca in the middle of the Mediterranean sea!! I moved from the USA to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America and lived there for 7 years before moving here to Spain in early 2018. I'll be recapping some of my day-to-day experiences (and mishaps) to highlight what it's like to live here....across the well as Home Exchange trips to exciting places all over Europe!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Valenica Home Exchange - Days 2 & 3 - City of Arts & Sciences

August 2020

Saturday, Day 2

As part of my City Pass, I could go to the Hemisferic IMAX 3D theater (opened 1998) located in the City of Arts & Sciences (CAS) complex.  I had a 1pm appointment to see 'Dream Big'.  

The shape of the building threw me off.   To me, it looked like a listing ship.   I didn't understand how the layout would work.  You'll see what I mean when you see the photos below.  What I didn't know, until I Googled the information, is the cover of the cinema looks like the eyelids of an eye.  The eyelids can be closed or opened.  When they're open, you can see the big ball of the IMAX theater in the middle, which represents the iris. 

Let me explain the CAS project.  It's located in the former Turia riverbed.  The river Turia was drained and rerouted after a catastrophic flood in 1957 where 3/4 of the city was inundated with floodwater.  The following year, the city planned to divert the river around the (then) western outskirts of the city which was completed by 1969.  But, what to do with the old riverbed?  Initial ideas involved an elaborate highway system, but the citizens fought back and wanted green space.  In the early 80's a master plan was developed to turn the old riverbed into a 5-mile long (average span of 600 ft from bank to bank) picturesque, sunken park with bike paths, event spaces, active recreation fields, fountains, and many notable structures.  Near the end of the park is where the mammoth-sized City of Arts & Sciences was constructed.  Its architecture is so unique it's likely the first image you'll see wherever Valencia is referenced.

The Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia (2005)

The PARS is a performing arts center named after Queen Sofia.  It's the tallest opera house in the world with 14 stories above ground (3 below).  It houses four auditoriums, including a 4-tier opera house which has the third largest orchestra pit in the world, being capable of housing 120 musicians.

The cone houses an elevator to take you down to the mirrored pools and building entrances.

New highrise apartments across the street from the CAS.

L'Umbracle (2001)

It's an open aboretum of sorts featuring plant species indigenous to Valencia, The Walk of the Sculptures, an outdoor art gallery with sculptures by contemporary artists, as well as 99 palm trees, 78 small palm trees, and 62 bitter orange trees.

The Hemisferic on the left

Posers with the Hemisferic in the background.

In the video below, you'll see the inside of the IMAX theater and a short clip of the presentation.

See the 'eyeball' sphere inside?

Seating inside the IMAX theater

Museum of Science (2000)

The exterior design represents the skeleton of a whale.  Over 700 ft long, 250 wide, and 175 tall.


A covered plaza in which concerts, sporting events, and conventions are held.

Oceanografic (2003)

Designed by an 87 yo architect in 1997, the aquarium complex has the longest underwater tunnel in Europe plus it has the only family of beluga whales in Europe.  The complex encompasses 1,200,000 sq ft, contains 11,000,000 gallons of water (sea water pumped from the nearby Malvarosa beach), and 45,000 animals from 500 species.  Special tanks and outdoor environments are built to house sharks, rays, ocean fish, whales, seals, tortuga, penguins, crocodiles, flamingos, jellyfish, exotic birds, and dolphins to name a few.  You'll see a lot of these in the video below.

I was supposed to go on Monday, based on my City Pass choices, but I forgot and tried to enter on Saturday, the same day I saw the IMAX film.  It was 90 degrees out and I was tired from all the walking and baking, so they had pity on me and allowed me to enter.

After spending the day at the CAS, exhausted, I hopped a bus to head back to the apartment.  Somehow, I goofed on the directions and ended up in a place I didn't intend.  But, I saw a couple of cool things and snapped some pics before getting on the correct bus in the right direction.

Hmmmm...a bat seems to have significant meaning.
Of what, I don't know.

A park chocked full of these gnarly trees

I wanted to eat out for dinner.  But,I found a lot of places closed at 8:30...odd for Saturday night.  Couldn't find any grocery stores open either.  Only found one café to have dinner outside but I was forced to listen to 3 guys arguing at the next table over. 

Sunday, Day 3

I pretty much stayed in for the day but did go out to try to find groceries.  I was told of a couple places that 'should' be open.  I took the subway to go to Corte Ingles (a massive dept store) because, online, it said it was open...but it was closed.  Dog tired, I walked several blocks to a small mom/pop tienda and got a few things then schlepped back to apartment....wiped out.

So, here's the video you've all been waiting for!  HA!!!  Enjoy 23 minutes of footage, photos, and music while visiting the IMAX Hemisferic and the aquariums at Oceanografic!!

Click on the video image and don't forget to expand it to full screen...don't wanna miss all the fishies!!

Or, click this link!

Stay Tuned for my last two days in Valencia!


By the way, if you're interested in viewing any of my past entries about travelling around Europe and where I live in Mallorca, simply scroll down past my signature to the end.  There, you'll see 'Blog History'.  You can click on any Month/Year to see the titles I published at that time.  Simply click on the title you're interested in and it will take you to that page.

1 comment:

  1. I love this one so much. This place is so amazing. Such beautiful scenery, and very well thought out.
    Thank you for sharing


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