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This is all about my transition from an American lifestyle and culture to my newest adventure, life in Spain, in the city of Palma on the island of Mallorca in the middle of the Mediterranean sea!! I moved from the USA to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America and lived there for 7 years before moving here to Spain in early 2018. I'll be recapping some of my day-to-day experiences (and mishaps) to highlight what it's like to live here....across the well as Home Exchange trips to exciting places all over Europe!

Friday, February 12, 2021

A Day Trip to...Biniali > Sencelles > Santa Eugenia

 It's been a while since I've ridden my moto to anywhere other than to run errands, with it being winter and Covid and all.

On this sunny day in mid-February 2021, I broke the spell and headed out to see what is supposed to be a spectacular showing of almond tree blossoms.  With temps in the high 60's I was able to ride in jeans and sweatshirt.  I jotted down the recommended routes from an article in the paper, one of which was Bunyola to Santa Maria.

But, I was too late.  Most trees had barely half of their white or pink blossoms.  I may have waited too long and/or the fact we've had blustery winds lately may have knocked them off prematurely.  

Todays route:

So, I just kept going, deciding to visit Biniali, Sencelles, and Santa Eugenia...places I hadn't been to before.  There was little traffic on the two-lane roads.

On the way from Bunyola to Santa Maria, I spotted a herd (gaggle?) of sheep resting under an olive tree in a field bursting of bright yellow flowers.

Just before arriving in Santa Maria, I saw this amazing restaurant 'Moli des Torrent' complete with its own windmill.  Closed, of course, due to Covid.

From Santa Maria, heading towards Biniali, I came upon this cemetery.  I love old cemeteries because of all their architectural elements.  I didn't go in, but snapped this shot from the shoulder of the road.

I was essentially in the middle of the island, where nearly everything is flat, which is perfect for growing grapes.  There were several vineyards along the way.

I took this pic because of the 'grape cluster' on top of the gate posts.  They were simply made out of PVC pipes connected together.  Great idea!

First stop...Biniali
Built on a small mound in the middle of the flats, Biniali boasts a population of just a few hundred.

In the center is a small plaza to sit your bum down and absorb all the quiet.

Some of the local architecture.

There's a few cases where old windmill towers have been converted into living spaces.  I think this may be one because the top has been covered and a roof put in place.

For such a small town, it has a very artistic bus stop!!

Yes, we have BLUE skies here...not beige, gray, or tan.

Onward to...Sencelles

Sencelles is located about 15 miles from Palma.  Compared to Biniali, it's a metropolis with a whopping population of 3,000+.

The church of San Pedro (Sant Pere)
Built in the 1700's

Looking down the slope of Sencelles, across the flats, to the Tramuntana mountain range.

On the way to....Santa Eugenia

Narrow roads, lined by rock walls, are common in Mallorca.  This one may LOOK normal, but it's only about one lane wide even though it has a centerline.

These trees look great even without their leaves!

Built on the flanks of a knoll in the middle of the flats, Santa Eugenia has a population of less than 2,000.

Lemons anyone?  Lemon and orange trees are....EVERYWHERE!

Leaving Santa Eugenia, heading back to Palma.

Sooooo...that was my afternoon moto excursion which consumed no more than 3 hours start to finito!

Oh BEFORE YOU LEAVE!!  While I have your attention!!  

Looking to treat yourself to something special and/or gifts for someone?  I make 'BATH BOMBS'.  They add a touch of luxury and pampering to your bath!  They FIZZ, they MELT, they RELAX, they MOISTURIZE!!  Soak in fragrances like Lavender, Eucalyptus, Mint, Jasmine, and others.  Different sizes and shapes and all nearly half the price you'd find at 'LUSH' stores.  

CLICK on the link to see what I have to offer:

Details and Prices are displayed at the bottom of each photo (click on the photo).  Instructions on how to order are displayed in the text at the top of the web page.  For right now, sales are limited to Mallorca only.

Here's a couple of sample photos:

Until next time...

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