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This is all about my transition from an American lifestyle and culture to my newest adventure, life in Spain, in the city of Palma on the island of Mallorca in the middle of the Mediterranean sea!! I moved from the USA to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America and lived there for 7 years before moving here to Spain in early 2018. I'll be recapping some of my day-to-day experiences (and mishaps) to highlight what it's like to live here....across the well as Home Exchange trips to exciting places all over Europe!

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Home Exchange - Scotland - Edinburgh Castle

Friday 10/22/2021

  • First thing I needed to do was get cash in British Pounds.  I went to a Bank and tried one of the ATM machines outside.  Two of them didn't work.  So, I went inside to find out why.  He suggested I try one of the indoor ATM's.  It worked.  Don't know why the others didn't.  Go figure.
  • I headed for the Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile.  It was built in the 14th century, extending into the 16th century.  The stylish organ was installed in 1992.
  • I Walked back to Grassmarket square to catch the Hop On/Hop Off (HoHo) bus.  The plaza is well known for the public executions which took place there in the 1600’s and 1700’s.  Well over 100 were executed by hanging because of their religious faith, being a witch, sheep-stealing, smuggling, and whatnot.
  • The HoHo bus tour cost about 15 pounds.  I rode the whole loop to the end stop, then sat there for 20 minutes wondering when the bus would start up again.  I had booked an appointment to see the Edinburgh Castle and knew the HoHo went there...but I missed the stop.  It wasn't apparant to me I was supposed to get off earlier and walk 3-4 blocks to the Castle site.  I was late by an hour, but they graciously let me enter since it wasn't crowded.  Entry cost 12 pounds.

Here's the video (15 minutes, including still photos) of the Edinburgh Castle:

Since the Castle is built atop a hill, I had to take several sets of stairs and narrow passages to get back down to Grassmarket.  On the way down, I stopped off at 'OINK', a tiny restaurant serving roasted pig sandwiches (mine with apple filling).

Along the way, I noticed numerous stores selling Scotch....all KINDS of scotch....too many for my brain to handle!!!  And, tons of stores specializing in lambswool and cashmere clothing.

Restaurants were 5pm on a Friday night!!!  HUH?  Apparently, to stay open later, they must have a 'late license'.

Everywhere you look in old Edinburgh the rooflines are full of chimneys.  Back in 'the day' heating in these buildings came from coal burning fireplaces in several rooms of the home.  Thus the multitude of chimneys and the reason why the exterior facades of so many Edinburgh buildings were/are blackened.

So, that's it for now.  Stay tuned.......

Next up in Part III

The Palace of Holyrood

By the way, if you're interested in viewing any of my past entries about travelling around Europe and where I live in Mallorca, simply scroll down past my signature to the end.  There, you'll see 'Blog History'.  You can click on any Month/Year to see the titles I published at that time.  Simply click on the title you're interested in and it will take you to that page.

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