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This is all about my transition from an American lifestyle and culture to my newest adventure, life in Spain, in the city of Palma on the island of Mallorca in the middle of the Mediterranean sea!! I moved from the USA to Cuenca, Ecuador, South America and lived there for 7 years before moving here to Spain in early 2018. I'll be recapping some of my day-to-day experiences (and mishaps) to highlight what it's like to live here....across the well as Home Exchange trips to exciting places all over Europe!

Friday, July 3, 2020

A Day Trip to...Puerto Valldemossa

Full disclosure:  I did this day trip over a year ago.  But, don't hold it against me....K?  There's just so much to write about, living on this island, and my Home Exchange travels, it's challenging to keep up!!

As I've mentioned before, in case you weren't paying attention, have memory loss, or you're a newbie to my blog, many towns in Mallorca are two...two....two mints in one!  Woops...I'm digressing already.  Many towns in Mallorca are identified twice.  One, being the 'port of....' located seaside, and the other with the same name sans 'port of' because it's located inland from its port.  The the old days the people of 'port of' were the watcher-outers of the activity on the water (ie; pirates headin their way) and they would notify the inland folkspeople of the looming threat which gave them time to prepare to be pilfered.

I've written about Valldemossa, the inland town, before.  This is about Puerto (port of) Valldemossa....waaaay down the mountainside of its sibling of the (almost) same name that sits so smugly and safe from above.

It was Feburary 17th and a balmy 67 degrees under sunny, clear skies.  Everyone seemed to be out on their motorbikes and I spotted several convertibles with their tops down!

Here's the route I took.

After climbing the mountain (on my moto, that is), passing through the town of Valldemossa and down the highway a few miles, I turned off the main road near this old farm.

Yes, there may be a line that divides the road, but when two cars need to pass one another, you have to apply ample grease!

Down the narrow, winding road with switchback after switchback.

Hey Dude!!!  There's a big rock!  Let's go climb it!!!
(go right ahead)

Yep, that's the destination....waaaaay down there.

There's maybe 50 structures in all here.  So, you can probably guestimate the population.  Valldemossa-proper only has about 2,000 inhabitants.

I never tire of the Spanish stone architecture!!  Thank gawd they're not of the cookie-cutter mentality here (ie; build 277 3BR identical ramblers where you always know where the bathroom is in all your neighbors homes).

People have complained I never insert pics of myself when I write these blogs.
Well, here ya go.
Now stop yer complainin!!

The 'Honorable Kitty Valldemossa'

I miss my orange kitty boys (Bonzo, Bozo, and Chip)

Headed back up the hill.

The main road leading into Valldemossa (proper).

Back up on top of the hill and in Valldemossa (proper).

I made a couple of turns off the main road on my way back to Palma.

36 miles and 3.5 hours of exploration.

What ever will I write about next??

Stay Tuned!!


By the way, if you're interested in viewing any of my past entries about travelling around Europe and where I live in Mallorca, simply scroll down past my signature to the end.  There, you'll see 'Blog History'.  You can click on any Month/Year to see the titles I published at that time.  Simply click on the title you're interested in and it will take you to that page.

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